Some Days You’re Pushing Against A Rock
Hello and welcome back.
Do you ever have those days when you’re feeling like the guy in the picture, pushing against an immovable object? If you tell me no, you’re either lying or you just haven’t had one yet.
Trust me, one day you will. It’s just a matter of time.
So what to do when you have a day when you just can’t think of a way to get over the hump in coming up with where to get the story going? Something that might seem appropriate to the story?
If you’ve experienced those days, or you are about to I would like to give you a few suggestions.
First, take a breather and realize it happens to everyone. No matter which endeavor you are engaging in.
For writing a story, one suggestion I heard is that if you’re stuck come up with something outrageous like suddenly aliens attack. It might not be something that works for the story, but it might work and it should get your writing momentum going.
Another idea is to have darkness suddenly envelope your character. Think of the ways this could happen. Power outage, he is suddenly and inexplicably blinded.
You could also have the character meet up with someone from her childhood, the person is angry about something from their school years, “I finally found out it was you who stole my lunch money in grade four!”
It might seem ridiculous that somebody would stay angry about that for thirty years or more. Actually come to think about it is ridiculous, but the point is to get unstuck with your writing and the idea would be to come up with something later after you complete the scene or the draft of your story and then go into revisions as to what would be so serious that someone would hold a grudge for years on end.
Lastly, another way to get unstuck is to write down five to ten ideas as to what could happen in the scene or at this point in your story and then choose the most exciting one that would keep your readers hooked and turning the pages until they reach the end.
I hope this helps, have a great day.
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