Running For His Life Chapter 2
The men sent after Mickey were wrong, he didn’t stay on foot. He stole a bicycle and rode it to the bus station, stashed it behind a dumpster, took a key out of his pocket went to a set of … Continue reading →
The men sent after Mickey were wrong, he didn’t stay on foot. He stole a bicycle and rode it to the bus station, stashed it behind a dumpster, took a key out of his pocket went to a set of … Continue reading →
Mickey had carved out a small little niche, a hole in the wall so to speak where he didn’t have to worry about all the vile things that happened in his past. A witness to a murder, and he ran. … Continue reading →
Hey everybody, welcome back to my 1 Million Words written in a year track. So far, not including today I have 2602 words written, a long ways off track but I worked 4 twelve hour shifts last week and was … Continue reading →
Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog. This is the part of the site, blog post or whatever that I will be tracking my goal of writing 1 million words in a year. As you will notice, this is … Continue reading →
Happy New Year everybody! I would like to share some of my writing goals with you today for the year that just started. I want to publish the following stories: Burned – the story I did for NaNoWriMo in 2017 … Continue reading →