A Writing Exercise
Hello and welcome back. Today’s post I am going to do a writing exercise from one of James Scott Bell’s writing books, Voice. Normally he recommends to spend about half an hour in a coffee shop somewhere with a legal pad coming up with opening lines. Today the first time I do this exercise ever I decided to do it from home – it’s currently 4am where I live. So for half an hour I will work on opening lines.
The half hour starts now:
- Messed everything up again, that’s how I got to where I am today.
- Here she comes into the room, not looking forward to this meeting.
- It started out a great day, my girl lying naked on top as the sun was shining through the crack in the curtains, but then everything went south.
- That was the best night of my life, I can’t wait to tell you about it.
- Of everything that ever happened to me she was both the best and worst
- I wish I could have been the one to make that woman and her child’s dreams come true, she deserved that much with everything she ever went through
- Not such a great way to start the day, the car picked the wrong time to have that old problem of sudden acceleration crop up again, particularly since we were parked on a cliff three hundred feet above the lake
- what a wonderful lady she was. That was what I thought before she cut my hand off.
- Funny how everyone seems to hate Mondays for some reason, first day back to work. For me everyday was like a Saturday, that’s what happens when you win a lottery. But now I’m on the run
- Have you ever wondered whether humans are alone in the universe? Stop wondering I am not from this planet.
- This personal development crap, yahoo, it’s all the same whoever you are you can do it. I’m stuck in solitary confinement for the next ten years, I won’t be doing shit until then.
- I will hide in here until I can escape from them, unless they find me
- It was a dark and stormy night – well actually it wasn’t, it was a sunny day but dark and stormy seemed more appropriate considering what happened.
- Now if I could only remember, red wire, black wire or green wire, everything was riding on this
- Thank god this woman was so small, carrying her on my shoulder while running away would have been impossible almost if she was my previous girlfriend.
- he always had such wonderful timing
- I never thought that this was how it would end
- However this had started I’ve been trying to go through in my head for years. Never really got an answer to my question, it just started with one little thing added onto another until there was no way I could get out
- Lady, well she claimed she was anything but a lady, I didn’t care. She was perfect in every way as far as I was concerned, who is anyone to judge how another person should live their life.
And there you have it. Have a great day everyone.
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